Kids Moodboard

Designing Kid’s Bedroom - With The Kid.

“This experience was amazing. We got my daughter's bedroom designed and it was so perfect, even better than we could have imagined!!”

- Nikki, Canada,


The client, in this unique case, was the mother seeking a bedroom design that matched her daughter’s taste and choices.

The primary requirements were the instalment of a study area and a day bed in the child’s bedroom.

Kid's Layout

Project Highlights

Child-centric ideas: This project was majorly impacted by the choices and preferences of the child instead of parental choices. The designs, colors, and decor were done to the liking of the kid.

Study area and day bed: We incorporated a study table and bench to match the decor of the room and create space for the kid to study and relax as needed.


Changing the accessories: Most of the room had accessories as preferred by the child and we changed our designs accordingly. We ensured sage green and pink colored elements in the house to match the child’s choice.



This was a particularly sweet and in itself a challenging collaboration. While children don’t have a keen sense of interior design as we do, we had to ensure they love the room they live in. TAL had to make sure we adhered to interior design principles while ensuring we took the kid’s perspective into account.

Collaborations so good, you’ll come back again!

  • Budget-friendly
  • Process-focused
  • Time-commitment
  • Consistent quality
  • Tech-savviness